vegetable proteins
We have all heard of the negative role of intensive agriculture and livestock farming on the loss of biodiversity, environmental damage to Natura 2000 nature reserves and on climate change.
We can make a big step when we start using locally grown vegetable proteins for our own nutrition. And we do not use these crops, as we do now, almost entirely to feed our livestock. We make the chain a lot shorter, more efficient and less burdensome. And with this we can limit many of the negative effects mentioned.
But eating plant-based proteins has more benefits. There is a lot of medical research that indicates that a largely plant-based diet has a significantly lower risk of health problems. In addition, health conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some types of cancer can be the result of a diet containing too many animal products. That is why, according to the advice of the EAT-Lancet committee, we should mainly eat vegetable proteins.
The fast-growing organization of healthcare professionals, Caring Doctors, is rightly surprised by the fact that a diet containing many animal products is consistently served in our hospitals and healthcare institutions. We completely agree with that!